XTB launch
- Brand strategy
- Brand identity
- UX and digital design
- Calculators and tools
- www.xtbs.com.au
The challenge
Yell was asked to deliver the brand identity and digital channels to promote the launch of Exchange Traded Bonds (XTBs), a new investment product created by the Australian Corporate Bond Company (ACBC).
After 18 months spent developing this exciting opportunity, ACBC made it clear that speed to market was of the essence. Yell was charged with defining a brand strategy and identity, and communicating that story through an effective, impactful site, all within an 8-week timeframe.
XTBs are a new product; disruptive in the market and potentially a game changer within the fixed income sector. For once, we were working with true innovators, a rare opportunity to claim that value for real.
The solution
Working collaboratively with the ACBC team, we crafted a brand story that gave ACBC fresh insights and clarity, and enabled us to build a brand around the core values of transparency, simplicity, trust, access and empowerment.
The values shone through in the brand identity and ultimately the beta XTB site, both of which were designed to stand apart in the market. We achieved this through the use of bold colours, a strong, distinctive logo and a mobile digital design.
The beta site featured neat visual flourishes, using cinemagraph video content throughout the site, and technical expertise through the build of a bond yield calculator, a complex but really useful tool for the target audience.