We’re back for the 4th year running with 2019 Financial Marketing survey
It’s hard to believe, but it’s already that time of year where we ask for your help to share your opinions on the big issues facing the financial services industry in our annual survey of finance marketers.
It’s been an explosive start to the year for financial services, so there’s plenty to get stuck into, starting with the Royal Commission-shaped elephant in the room.
Once again, we’ll be contrasting the insights from your feedback with our Ipsos-led survey of financial service consumers. If the last three years are anything to go by, we’ll uncover some cracking insights, that we’ll reveal, as usual, at the Mumbrella Financial Marketing Summit on 25th July.
Is anything really going to change?
Our themes for this year focus on asking if the Royal Commission will actually change anything, we take a look at the current state of trust, with a deep dive into the functional and emotional nature of consumer sentiment. Finally, we ask has digital got us into this mess? We want to know if rapid digitisation could be in part to blame for the disconnect between consumers and the finance industry.

Get involved for a chance to win
We can’t find the answers without you, so if you’re a financial marketer we want to hear from you.
The survey won’t take more than 10 minutes and, as a thank you, you’ll have the chance to win a ticket to the Mumbrella Finance Summit plus one of three UE Boom speakers.
We’ll also make sure you’re one of the first to receive a copy of the full report.
Head to the survey now and tell us what you think.
A huge thanks from Team Yell.
Enter the survey now!